Student Projects
Amanda Bailey
This thesis explores instructors' and students with disabilities (SWD) perspectives of UDL in online higher education. Specifically, this thesis is examining Instructors' and SWD experiences with online teaching and UDL and their perceptions regarding the application of the UDL principles and guidelines.  The research questions are addressing what experiences instructors and SWD have with UDL in online higher education, their challenges, barriers, and preferences to using and implementing UDL, and what UDL guidelines they are interested to know more about. Eight SWD participated in three focus groups that discussed and 6 Instructors participated in three focus groups. A thematic analysis is being used to determine the themes emerging from the focus groups. I hope this thesis will highlight the challenges faculty members and SWD face when using and implementing the UDL framework and provide educators with concrete examples of how to apply the UDL principles in an online environment. Following the completion of the research, the results of this thesis will be used to develop a Community of Practice (CoP) where SWD and faculty members at Brock University can work together to identify challenges and strategies to guide the development of inclusive online higher education
Rachel Sheppard
This thesis explores the transition planning experiences of disabled student's from secondary to post-secondary education. Transition planning is essential for disabled students to access accommodations in higher education. Recent changes have been proposed by the Government of Ontario Education Technical Sub-committee to help improve transitions for disabled students by working to remove barriers. Based on literature on transition planning this thesis follows a mixed methods explanatory design using initial surveys and follow-up interviews to contextualize students' experiences. Using the Government of Ontario's recommendations, an initial survey was developed and distributed to disabled first and second-year students at Brock University (N=16). Follow up interviews were also conducted with participants to discuss their experiences and agreement with recommendations (N=4). A descriptive analysis of quantitative survey results is currently being conducted as well as a thematic analysis of qualitative survey responses and follow-up interview responses. Following the completion of this research, a summary of the research on the recommendations will be shared with the government of Ontario to help inform the implementation of recommendations.
Kayla Cormier
Burnout is a significant contributor to the workforce crisis for support professionals in the developmental services sector. Research on factors influencing burnout in this field comprises a growing body of literature. However, the relationship between self-confidence and burnout for this population remains unclear. This thesis aimed to conceptualize participant definitions of self-confidence and the factors associated with it, and also quantify the relationship between self-confidence in responding to challenging behaviour and burnout. This convergent mixed methods research utilized an online survey which was completed by different direct support professionals (n = 156) and leaders/managers (n = 46) around Ontario. The survey contained the Maslach Burnout Inventory, a confidence instrument, and both closed- and open-ended questions about demographic, organizational, and client-related variables. Results of this research can be read in the infographic and poster below. These results have implications for organizations and professionals supporting adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities who engage in challenging behaviour in the developmental services sector. Results may allow researchers to further understand burnout, thus enhancing the quality of supports provided.
HWDD Conference Feb 2024 ABAI Conference May 2024
Infographic: Poster:
Rexella Dwomoh
This critical literature review aimed to identify and challenge historical (e.g., past events and conditions), political (e.g., impacts of policies and legislations), and social (e.g., racialized perceptions of ability and competence) contexts that create exclusionary and discriminatory practices for Black students with intellectual disabilities when accessing higher education. A systematic search yielded 600 articles; 65 underwent abstract screening, and nine entered a full-text review. Utilizing a Critical Disability Studies framework and tenants of Disability Critical Race Theory to analyze literature revealed historical, political, and social contextual barriers perpetuating discriminatory practices against disabled Black students. Common barriers to access for Black students with intellectual disabilities in higher education were overrepresentation in special education, colour-blind policies, ableist disability policies, and racist academic ableism. Systemic and interpersonal changes are imperative to foster diverse, equitable, and inclusive higher education environments. This critical literature review provides anti-ableist and anti-racist recommendations centred on the experiences of disabled Black students in higher education. These recommendations address the historical, political, and social contextual barriers identified in the review and aim to improve access.
Click here for our IASSIDD 2024 Conference Handout.
Jenna Lazarra
Temilade Adesina
Jenna Lazzara
My proposed research aims to uncover the lived experiences of first-year Brock University students who identify as disabled or part of the disabled community as they transition from secondary education (high school) to post-secondary education. I am specifically interested in exploring how students make sense of how their high school experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic affected their transition to university. I will be exploring their experiences through a transformative lens to identify potential power dynamics between students, educators, and administrators, as well as to empower students to express their concerns. In moving the field of Disability Studies forward, I also hope to elicit change in which disabled students can self-advocate and foster a more accessible and inclusive school environment. To do so, I will be using an arts-based methodology where participants may use multiple modalities of art to elicit meaning-making of their lived experiences. By the end of my thesis, I also wish to hold a virtual gallery to showcase their unique pieces, share their experiences, and explore the next steps and recommendations.